Traffic lights displayed on 5G buses
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2020-12-15 14:55   Source: City Express

Drivers in Hangzhou's Xiaoshan District may find that the traffic lights are equipped on the back of some buses, displaying the traffic signals of the intersection that the buses are located.

The two buses with the traffic lights are the 5G buses that are under trial run. The signal reception devices on the buses will receive the real-time traffic-light signals, which will be shown on the back of the vehicles and provide references to the drivers behind them. The related information is also sent to the bus drivers.

After improvements on 5G devices and infrastructures are made, the 5G technology will be widely applied to the city's public transportation. "During the 19th Asian Games 2022 in Hangzhou, the shuttle buses between the venues and the Asian Games Village are expected to be equipped with 5G technology," said Luo Xuqi, deputy director of Hangzhou Public Transportation Strategic Development Research Institution.

Author: Jin Yingying  Editor: Zhang Di