2019 Cross Border E-Commerce Service Conference to Be Held in Hangzhou
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2019-12-05 15:16   Source:City Express

During the development of cross-border e-commerce, enterprises encounter various problems. Sometimes they rely on the help of service providers, but how can these providers offer better solutions? 2019 Cross Border E-Commerce Service Conference might tell you the answer.

On December 6, the conference will be held at the Conrad Hotel, focusing on cross-border e-commerce services in exploring the positive development of cross-border e-commerce, including shortening the period of circulation, improving the accuracy and convenience of brand release and reducing the cost of trial and error.

The conference will lay emphasis on the standard and value of service providers in the process of enterprise development. At the same time, the service industry also needs to set up norms and standards of the corresponding industry. In addition, the industry should provide the information and resources required by the service providers to obtain the flow conversion effectively.

Professors from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), California Institute of Technology (CIT), and Zhejiang University will join the analyzing at the conference.

Author:Fang Jingyi  Editor:Wang Yueyun