A New Communication Platform Set Up for Hangzhou’s Culture and Sport Industries
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2021-07-17 11:30   Source:Hangzhou China

On July 12, Hangzhou Culture and Sport Industries Committee of China Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC) Hangzhou Chamber of Commerce was established in Shangguan Township, Fuyang, providing Hangzhou’s culture and sport enterprises a new platform for technical exchanges and industrial cooperation.

As the first specialized committee established by Hangzhou Chamber of Commerce, the Committee aims to serve member enterprises, offer expertise in industrial development, connect industrial players home and abroad and increase the competitiveness of Hangzhou's culture and sport industries.

At the executive meeting, the Committee’s operating rules and the proposed list of appointments were deliberated on and enacted; the operating license and certificates were awarded. It was also decided then that the Committee would be chaired by Shangguan Chamber of Commerce.

"80% of the members in Shangguan Chamber of Commerce are engaged in badminton racket business. This is our distinct feature. As the chair of the Committee, we hope to utilize the CCOIC platform to increase the influence of the industry, communicate and share resources with other enterprises in culture and sport industries and promote our own racket brand," said Sheng Liangke, President of the Committee and Shangguan Chamber of Commerce.

Shangguan Township in Fuyang, lauded as "the hometown and export base of China‘s racket" has more than 300 enterprises that produce altogether around 100 million rackets and accessories every year. These products are exported to more than 70 countries and regions, accounting for over 80% of China’s market share.

Whether it is in industry agglomeration, R&D or manufacturing, Shangguan has been leading the charge. It established China’s first racket-centered industrial park, set up China’s first production line for environmental-friendly water-based paint racket and founded a racket testing laboratory in collaboration with Hangzhou Dianzi University. Strong as it is, the racket industry in Shangguan faces new challenges against the backdrop of Dual Circulation (China’s new development paradigm) such as brand upgrading and industrial chain coordination.

The newly established Committee will be of great help for taking on these challenges and connecting culture and sport enterprises in the city.

“China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) Hangzhou Sub-Council and CCOIC Hangzhou Chamber of Commerce will make the best of existing resources, in particular connections with its foreign counterparts to expand the capacity of the Committee." Zheng Rongxin, President of CCPIT Hangzhou Sub-Council (CCOIC Hangzhou Chamber of Commerce) explained that the idea behind the Committee is to encourage member enterprises in the industry to widen their circle of friends, utilize existing channels and resources and seek opportunities for cooperation so that the Committee can see its relevance grow in Hangzhou, Zhejiang and beyond.

For the next step, the Committee will conduct policy research and market surveys in industry development planning, design and consultation, investment and financing, operation and management, technological advances, safety production, resource management, etc. It will organize a variety of expositions and seminars for members to look into cutting-edge technologies, industry trends and other common issues. Through promoting cooperation among enterprises and between enterprises and governments, the Committee pledges itself to galvanize all industrial forces into action and scale new heights in the new era.

Author:  Editor:Wang Jian