Hangzhou Grid ensures steady power supply this summer
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2022-06-13 14:41   Source:Hangzhou Daily

With the rising temperature and the accelerated resumption of work and production in June, Hangzhou expects the peak demand for electricity soon. 

To ensure sufficient supply of power and comprehensively enhance power grid capacity, State Grid Hangzhou Power Supply Company enhanced the investment in power grid construction and increased the substation capacity by 2.74 million kVA which was equivalent to current substation capacity of Tonglu County, in the first half of this year. In addition, efforts have been made to accelerate the construction of a number of key projects, such as Zhejiang Baihetan UHVDC Power Transmission Project and Jiande 500 kV Transformer Substation project, to drive enterprises along the upstream and downstream industrial chain. Hangzhou Grid ensures a steady power supply for the upcoming summer peak. 

Author:Correspondent: Zhang Lei Reporter: Shi Jie  Editor:Li Jiameng