Total Imports and Exports of Hangzhou Break RMB 700 Billion, Year-On-Year Growth Rate of Exports Sets 10-year high
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2022-01-28 16:42   Source:Hangzhou Daily

According to the data of Qianjiang Customs, the total imports and exports of Hangzhou in 2021 was RMB 736.9 billion, rose 23.7% from a year ago. Thereinto, the total exports expanded 25.9% year on year to RMB 464.7 billion, the total imports expanded 20.0% year on year to RMB 272.2 billion. The year-on-year growth rate of exports set 10-year high compared with the same period in previous years, up 6.2 percentage points from the average growth rate of the whole province.

Author: JIN Huashan (Reporter) LIN Wei, WANG Cong(Correspondent)  Editor:Wang Jian